Support For Ukraine


At a recent company meeting, the Safety Media team expressed their deep concerns about the war on Ukraine, the tragic impact on the Ukrainian people and the peace and freedoms we all enjoy.
The team wanted to find ways to contribute their time, talents and treasure to express and communicate their support for Ukraine.  

So, with help from our design team and supply chain, we created a number of these signs to communicate support.  I placed them on our front lawn at the office and at home, and before the afternoon arrived, I received a number of calls from friends and customers asking where I got them. As a result, we are offering this sign to all of our customers who wish to communicate support for the Ukrainian's fight for freedom without charge.  

As always, the details - while supplies last, shipping costs are excluded.  One sign per order, please use code 11UKR on checkout, or contact customer service via phone (1-800-420-9737) or email.