Product Description
The Fire Log Book features complete information and details of all maintenance and inspection duties. Included is a section to record and list all your existing equipment locations within the building and sufficient step-by-step forms for high-rise buildings. This is the book to purchase if you have a large high-rise building or if you want an inexpensive information source to learn Fire Code maintenance duties. The Fire Log Book promotes responsible staff maintenance record keeping. Three-ring binder for personal arrangement. Organized into sections, with tabbed maintenance periods.
- Language: Canadian Edition, English.
- Size: 10.5"W x 11.5"H x 3.5"D, 262 pages.
- National Fire Code (Canada)
- Standard for the Inspection & Testing of Fire Alarm Systems, CAN/ULC-S536
- Standard for the Emergency Electrical Power Supply for Buildings, CAN/CSA-C282
- Supplement to the National Building Code of Canada
- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): National Fire Code