In Case of Fire Temporal Two Stage Alarm Wording

Temporal alarm systems are modern systems that use a unique 3 pulse sound to alert the occupants of a building of a fire emergency. These alarms are a requirement for newly constructed buildings in many jurisdictions within the US. 

The following In Case of Fire Signs use wording which indicates instructions for two-stage temporal alarms. These alarms use the two-stage system, in which the alarm system first emits a distinct alert signal to notify staff within the building of the fire emergency. This signal is coded so that only staff are aware of its meaning and can immediately investigate the source of the alarm. If the staffs’ investigation deems that a fire emergency does exist, the staff must then activate the alarm signal for occupants of the building. If the fire emergency does not exist, the staff can silence the coded signal and reset the system.  See wording options below. Shop our entire selection here.

Signs with Extended Caution optional wording:


Signs with False Alarm optional wording:


Signs with no optional wording: 911-wording-37-and-38.png