WHMIS Boxes & Accessories


WHMIS ensures the safety of workers by ensuring their employers provide them with the critical information they need to protect themselves from overexposure or misuse of hazardous materials.  The 3 elements of WHMIS that protect workers are:

1. Labels

Supplier labels are required to be provided by suppliers when hazardous materials are being purchased from them. Workplace labels are provided by employers and ensure that hazardous material in the workplace is labeled with the information required by the applicable laws. 

2. Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

A Safety Data Sheet is more comprehensive than labels because it provides specific information about a chemical, including how to store, use and handle it as well as what to do in an emergency.

3. WHMIS Training & Education

WHMIS training is imperative to the safety of Canadian workers who work with hazardous materials. Workers should have general WHMIS training as well as training that is specific to the workplace. 

Our WHMIS boxes help to identify your building’s hazardous material information to staff and emergency crews so that they know how to approach an emergency with hazardous chemicals involved.

Please contact us with questions about your WHMIS box requirements.